Travelpod has not worked out as well as we had hoped, so we are going to try this to keep you all updated on our lives. We haven't been doing a good job of keeping in touch and letting everyone know what is going on, so hopefully this will help with that.
Lately, we have been incredibly busy with end of the school year work, but spring has been wonderful. We have enjoyed the warm weather and the chance to be outside finally. We have been riding our bikes again, which we had missed so much over the winter. We went on a hike to a waterfall in the mountains with one of the groups that was here a few weeks ago. We are looking forward to the summer when we will have work teams coming on a regular basis. I am excited to meet new people who support our work from all over the country.
School ends in just 2 weeks. I (Heather) am going to be teaching summer school for most of June, while John works with the work teams. In July, we will be going to camp to help out there, and then in August we will be able to relax finally.
We have been doing well. We enjoy what we are doing. Sometimes we get frustrated with the little things, and we see kids who are making the same mistakes over and over again. It is hard to see repeated failures, but when we put it in perspective we are better able to understand. When we come to God he doesn't make us perfect overnight. We have to go through a painful process of change that really continues throughout our lives as Satan is constantly attacking us. We cannot expect the kids to instantly be changed, especially when we consider their backgrounds. We have to see them as Christ sees them, and be patient with them as they try to change a lifetime of wrong choices, made by them and many times by their parents as well. We have to show them love, not the frustration we often feel. Christ loves them even in their imperfection and we must do the same.