Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Long Winter

We have had a long winter, but the weather has warmed up a little at list for awhile. That's not to say that winter is over; we actually got enough snow to cover the ground again this weekend, even though it has been in the 30s and 40s for several weeks now. We even got out and went on a bike ride a few weeks ago- the same weekend that we went skiing. I've never done those 2 activities in practically the same area in the same weekend before.

We've been busy and the weeks have just flown by since Christmas. I can't believe that it is almost March already. Before we know it, summer will be here. It just might snow again tonight though- They are calling for a few inches, but we'll just have to see.

School is going well. Some days we feel like we get accomplished and other days we feel stressed all day and get no where. My class has been improving this quarter in a few areas. They are finally starting to get their required work done -they are supposed to get 10 books done each quarter since they all work in different books and at different levels, and my class has been really bad about not completing their work this year. I told them at the beginning of the quarter that if everyone got all of their work done we would have a party and watch a movie. I don't know if that has been the motivation or if they kicked it into gear for another reason, but they just might make it. Recently I've had some really good days with my kids. I've felt a little more relaxed and laid back and they are working more independently at times so I feel like I can give them the attention they need and deserve. Hopefully they will keep up the good work.

We are excited about spring coming and being able to get outside more. We should be moving into our new apartment soon. As soon as the propane tank is in and the road is graveled it will be ready, but we haven't been given a time frame for those things. We'll be sure to post pictures of the new place once we are moved in.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


We have had our dog, Scout, now for a year and a half, and I can't imagine what we ever did without him. He is really the best dog we could have asked for and we really enjoy having him. Here are some of the things we love about him, or just funny things that he does.

1. Scout is a great soccer player. He will chase a soccer ball around the yard for hours if we let him. I discovered this when I was teaching PE last year and he would come down to the field with us and I had to hold him back to keep him from hogging the ball and not letting the girls play soccer.

2. Scout is usually very playful and active, and since we live on a ranch he gets to run free and play all day long. That way he isn't really hyper when we come home in the evenings.

3. Our cat Raleigh sleeps in Scout's doghouse with him. They are best friends and keep each other warm in the winter.

4. We have a Kong toy that Scout absolutely loves to play fetch with. Unfortunately, because it is round and looks like a ball, things with this shape are the only things Scout will fetch. Forget throwing a stick, or a rope toy, or basically anything that is not round or bouncy. When we were gone at camp during the summer, Scout was with the work teams on the ranch quite a bit and they liked playing with him. Since his toys were in the house, he started finding rocks and dropping them at people's feet so that they would throw them for him to fetch. Seriously, he came up with this all on his own. Now he can amuse himself with a rock just like a soccer ball. We're only afraid he will break his teeth one of these days, but there is no stopping him now.

5. Even though he is a lab, Scout HATES water. We have tried a few times to get him in a lake or played with the hose with him, but he is not at all interested. And he absolutely hates baths.

6. When kids are in serious trouble here at the ranch, they are often disciplined by having to go out and shovel manure. Scout thinks that these kids are his best friends. He stays with them all day and plays around, then walks home with them and won't leave their side. One day, one of the kids who was in trouble was given the job of moving rocks out of the road. Every time he moved a rock, Scout would pick it up and put it back in the road, like they were playing a game. I'm sure the kid didn't think it was very funny, but the housedad who was watching him sure got a kick out of it.

7. In the summer, when bears are out, we often have several around the ranch. Scout is excellent at sniffing out the bears and scaring them away, or letting us know that they are there so that we can see them. I'm not sure I saw a single bear this year that Scout didn't spot first. It makes us feel a lot safer hiking knowing that he is with us. Of course, these are usually small black bears on the ranch. I'm not sure what he'd do if we came across a big grizzly, but I'm sure we'd be safer than if we were alone.